Re: Who will be going?

Message posted by Frank Stamm on February 03, 2007 at 19:34:34 PST:

In the AW&ST 1/9 issue the F-22 where in the Alaska exercises and had a one day kill ratio of 83-1 during Nothern Edge air to air exercises. The Raptor was also used as an in-theatre mini AWACs operating at Fl 650. After seeing two F-22s at Oshkosh this summer I would love to see a low level performance of them in Red Flag.
I am making an attemt to make it out for at least part of the Flag. I will post if all works out.

In Reply to: Re: Who will be going? posted by Craig Fuller on February 03, 2007 at 16:26:03 PST:


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