Re: re joerg's message regarding credibility on site

Message posted by George on November 21, 2006 at 1:52:55 PST:

Likewise. I was impressed by the fact that people didn't just say, "Yeah, right." There was a strong dose of healthy skepticism, but people who have an interest in the non-"UFO" side of military aviation, black projects, et. al are generally welcomed here.

Moreover, they're welcomed by a number of professional people and experts in their fields of interest, who have no obligation whatsoever to share any of the knowledge that years of work and experience have afforded them.

There's a culture of openness and honest inquiry here, and the people who've fostered that climate, as well as those of us who share their interests, don't need to be "reminded to not take yourselves too seriously." Why not? "Serious" doesn't mean arrogant, stick-up-the-you-know-where snooty, nor does it indicate a detachment from reality that needs to be re-grounded. The people here aren't like that at all; they're observant, thoughtful, discerning, informed, and yes, they have a sense of humour.

Allowing interested parties to take part in open discussions that the professionals and experts have here, so we can weigh in, too, is an act done in good faith by some classy individuals. If a potential poster takes a look at the "about" and "team" pages, you might relize that the people who answer your questions could just as easily say, "Buy my book" or "Subscribe to my newsletter for $10 a month." The same could be said of more than a few of the posters on the board.

I'm not trying to sound smarmy here, but it's a privilege to be witness to very informed and yet open and friendly people here. As it turns out, the "experts" don't mind talking shop with the rest of us, which is pretty damn cool.

There's nothing gained from attempting to belittle, discredit, or take advantage of the discourse here. We've all heard it all many times before, and yet the lines of inquiry with healthy doses of skepticism that are proffered here have been proven to be proper in their intent. That's why people come here.

Those of us who appreciate the hard work put into DLR would rather see "guess my Photoshop!" posts posted someplace else. Those of us who lurk here or post seldomly and are supportive of the efforts of those who post on this site...We outnumber the "it's a joke, lolz" posters by a significant margin, and we'd prefer that you don't waste our time or energy here.

If you want to make us smile, ask an honest question about a topic of interest on this site, like. You'll get an answer from somebody who wants to talk about the subject simply because they can and want to.

In Reply to: re joerg's message regarding credibility on site posted by T on November 20, 2006 at 18:38:35 PST:


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