Re: Trip report

Message posted by hank on November 20, 2006 at 14:33:20 PST:

i dont believe that they are trying to minimize interest in the base. the best that they could do to do that was to move the border back and take whitesides and freedom ridge out of the picture. i was going up there before the land grab and i think that their is more interest in the area now than there was then.
as far as the cammos waiting for someone to show up on glr before they do anything, i have gotten their interest many times following the border in the bald mountain area. the blackhawk now includes that area in its flight plan. some have been known to play hide and seek with them and they may call the chopper out in that case. i believe lonewolf may be the expert in that scenario. i have run into them along the border from glr to the back gate.i may have a different take on the cammos than some here. if their main objective is to keep someone off the property i think they do a good job. this year is the 51st anniversary of area 51. 51 years of minimal incursions. as far as wright pat is concerned i have never seen any reason to camp out by their fence.although i have been known to spend more than a healthy amount of time at the nellis fence. since 9/11 all security has been stepped up at military installations.

In Reply to: Re: Trip report posted by Joe on November 20, 2006 at 12:50:09 PST:


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