Message posted by Nick on October 28, 2006 at 14:58:45 PST:
And thank you again, great work. But hey, we now better ;).
It's a shame that people twist story's like that, but hey, the people want to see things like: "OMG! Aliens in A51 OMG OMG!!! Look at that guy, he saw aliens!!"
That's way more attention drawing then: "Hey look at this secret military aircraft!"
I think it will always stay that way, even if the goverment let people tour into A51 in about 100 years, hehe.
So, thanks again for posting. I will watch the movie later, I'm in a hurry.
In Reply to: More Interceptor video posted by Steve Douglass on October 26, 2006 at 12:47:25 PST: