Message posted by The Major on October 09, 2006 at 19:43:02 PST:
Well, he did it.
Date/Time: 2006 October 9/01:35:27 UTC
Magnitude 4.2 (Light)
Location 41.294°N, 129.134°E
Depth 0 km (~0 mile) set by location program
The last I heard, our government was neither confirming or denying the test. C'mon! That area is seismically inactive and all we've heard about the last several days was Kimmie and his plan to celebrate Columbus Day weekend with fireworks! Coincidence? HA!
So what now? Several years of failed UN Resolutions while he builds up his stockpile? I'm sure Ahmadinejad soiled his robe when he heard about it. Kinda gives him the green light to thumb his nose at the world like Kimmie did.
So, to keep things somewhat on topic, what sub-orbital, A51-esque black assets are out there keeping an eye on, or threatening, the Fire Starter?