Re: (OT) Whose bright idea was this?

Message posted by lone wolf on October 06, 2006 at 0:22:32 PST:

In the case of the cruise missiles targeted on UBL, the US announced the launch to Pakistan, just so they wouldn't think India was trying to reach out and touch someone. [It is believed that ISI agents loyal to the Taliban gave UBL a warning call and the camp was empty except for perhaps a few unfinished beers.]

In the case of the PDRK, I would imagine the US would notify the powers that be (Russia) that the missile is not meant for them.

The 911 Comm. Report is my source, well except for the unfinished beers comment, which is my speculation.

In Reply to: (OT) Whose bright idea was this? posted by Chris McDowell on October 05, 2006 at 23:56:42 PST:


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