Message posted by jimbo on October 05, 2006 at 11:07:33 PST:

Consider two other kinds of wood if you would.
First-Maple. Aged several years before splitting. Works VERY nicely with pork, not necessarily other kinds of meat.
Second-Cedar. Cut and split. Aged one year. Makes great heat, coals, and just the right amount of sweet. It also makes superb coals for dutch oven and in-ground BBQ. Many Hawaiins in our area us this when they roast whole pigs in the ground. They dig a pit about 2 feet deep. Burn LOTS of Cedar until it is white hot. Put lava rocks about the size of baseballs on top, then place banana leaves on that. Put the pig on that, put more leaves on top and cover with dirt. I think that is the order from when I watched my neighbor.

In Reply to: Re: BBQ posted by Dave Bethke on October 05, 2006 at 8:11:21 PST:


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