Message posted by lone wolf on August 09, 2006 at 20:52:23 PST:
The eastern tracks are AR635, AR641A, and AR641B. AR635 extends into Utah a bit, and the rest go right to the border. There are two helicopter tracks as well, though I never heard them used. That would be AR230V on the east, and AR231V on the west. AP1B has the track info, though you should download the whole FLIP while you are at it. It will become a piece of history since the powers that be are going to remove the FLIP from public access in October. My understanding is the FLIP is not classified, but there are copyright issues. It might be available via FOIA.
In Reply to: Re: Wednesday Nite Launch posted by jim Bob on August 09, 2006 at 20:19:51 PST: