Message posted by Jason on January 25, 2006 at 6:39:45 PST:
No one yet has addressed Joerg's initial request: Us users contacting Google. If enough of us do, maybe we will provoke some sort of a response. Im not saying that we will definitely be able to lead a march against Google, but ya dont know if you dont try. I've heard all the click this, right click that, frames, scripts, and I am by no means an internet wizard like Lonewolf or Hank, but this is a website just like any other one. The only difference being is what the user wants...facts,information, photographs and knowledgeable people to answer questions -OR- One millionth hand, baseless & meritless speculation from websites maintained by idiots across the planet that have never seen US soil let alone be able to spell Tikaboo Peak? I agree with Joerg - we don't need to be #1, but for Christ sake, I've never heard of another site being bodyslammed into the 80th rank somewhere and there being not one syllable of explanation? Joerg send me a link or something where you were contacting Google, and I'll be happy to do so.
In Reply to: OT: Google search posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on January 24, 2006 at 10:26:36 PST: