Message posted by lone wolf on January 04, 2006 at 1:00:20 PST:
6812usb isn't currently a Mystic Star frequency, but you know that these frequencies move a few Khz over the years. 11175usb I think used to be 11174usb. I did some googling and to my amazement found the old Claw Hammer radio incident, which of course is very pre-internet: My recollection is the comsec holes were patched up about one year into the Clinton administration. So in the time frame in question, it is possible that such a message would go out in the clear since there were few alternatives (other than digital HF text message), but I just don't see this happening after the well publicized Claw Hammer incident.
The guy who recorded it, Michael Gerter, is quite the dead end on a google search.
In Reply to: Re: Aurora Redux posted by truckertom on January 04, 2006 at 0:16:04 PST: