Re: A couple of questions

Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on December 02, 2005 at 7:43:21 PST:

Actually the cammos are armed with handguns. But I doubt very seriously that they would use deadly force, unless provoked. Further inside, where you are dealing with AF Police, it is a whole different story, though.

The southern and western side of Area 51 borders on the Nevada Test Site and the Nellis bombing ranges, which are restricted areas for different reasons (because of radioactive contamination and live bombing). The closest you can get from that site is if you do the public NTS tour at Sedan Crater. But no view from there, and you are quite a bit further away than at the GL Rd gate.

In Reply to: A couple of questions posted by Rob Foster on December 02, 2005 at 2:29:44 PST:


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