Message posted by Steve Douglass on November 23, 2004 at 8:13:43 PST:
Thank goodness someone had the foresite to take the patent illustraions of these vehicles off the site before IBM took it over. You can now find them on Steve Hausers site: Also I posted this update in an upcoming Pop Communications Utility Digest that you might also find interesting: UFO Over Foggy Bottom In October, Washington D.C. police were flooded with calls concerning a large glowing UFO seen flying in the vicinity of the White House. It turns out what they were seeing was an internally lighted American Blimp Corp. A-170 airship flying on a 24-hr. endurance demonstration with the permission of local authorities. The demonstration was part of a plan to convince military planners that a long-duration on station unmanned airship could fly for days over Baghdad or other urban combat areas, equipped with high resolution video and radar sensors and radio interception equipment to intercept cell-phone and low-powered walkie-talkie communicators like those being used by insurgents in Iraq. As detailed in the September 2004 issue of Pop Comm. (Monitoring The Military’s UFO Sky Spies) blimps are cheaper to buy, fly and operate than conventional spy aircraft and can be equipped to avoid detection from infrared missiles, plus advocates say they can’t be see or heard at night above 7,000 feet. One major drawback is their top speed (about 40-kt) and they aren’t safe to operate in winds above 30 kt.
Steve Douglass
-Steve Douglass
In Reply to: Re: Stealth Airships posted by lone wolf on November 22, 2004 at 20:29:33 PST: