Dreamland Resort Donations

Hello, this is Joerg. Long-time Rachel resident and founder of the Dreamland Resort web site. For over 20 years I have been operating Dreamland Resort and the official Rachel, NV web site. Thank you for supporting our mission to provide information about our beautiful area and about the world's most famous secret base "Area 51".

I don't like ads any more than you do. So, in February of 2019 I decided to remove all advertising from this web site and take a chance in relying entirely on donations. With your help this has worked better than expected.

Our monthly goal is $250. That is a very modest amount. Other sites that operate on a similar basis set their goal to up to 10 times that amount. Where does the money go? The monthly cost for the web site itself is about $80. I use a quality web host with virtually no down time and fast download speed. The remainder goes towards maintaining two ADS-B feeders in remote areas, expenses such as photo equipment, radio and other gear, software, a drone for aerial videos, gas, PayPal fees etc. And if I am lucky a few dollars are left over to pay for the countless hours I spend every month maintaining, updating and expanding this web site.

So, if you enjoy the Dreamland Resort web site and find it useful why not help us keep it online with a one time donation of any amount or with a monthly donation. Simply click the button below to support us today. PayPal will guide you through the process in a few simple steps. Most of our supporters donate $10 to $20.

We post the donations for the current month as percent of the goal on our start page. That value is updated manually, usually once a day. So it does not instantly reflect a new donation. Donations over the monthly goal roll over to the next month.

Thank you for your support. With your help I hope to keep Dreamland Resort online and updated for another 20+ years.

Joerg H Arnu
Dreamland Resort Owner and Webmaster


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